Welcome to LeadCon 2025 !
On January 13th, the EPA updated the Lead Paint rule. This is a significant change to the existing rule. We are sponsoring one-day conferences to explain the new rule and to demonstrate how it can be implemented successfully
There is no safe level of lead exposure, particularly for children. In children, lead can severely harm mental and physical development, slow down learning, and irreversibly damage the brain. In adults, lead can cause increased blood pressure, heart disease, decreased kidney function, and may cause cancer. If someone is impacted by lead exposure, there is no known antidote.
We are presenting this information for three groups of people:
1) People that can IDENTIFY the problem.
2) People that can FIX the problem.
3) People that LIVE the problem.
The new standards reduce the level of lead in dust that EPA considers hazardous to any reportable level measured by an EPA-recognized laboratory. The rule also lowers the amount of lead that can remain in dust on floors, windowsills and window troughs after a lead paint abatement occurs to the levels listed below, the lowest levels that can be reliably and quickly measured in laboratories. This will result in significant reductions in exposures when compared to prior standards. Here is a summary of the changes to the lead dust levels:
Current EPA Clearance
FLOORS: < 10 Āµg/ft2
WINDOWSILLS: <100 Āµg/ft2
WINDOW TROUGHS(wells): <400 Āµg/ft2**
New EPA Levels FLOORS: < 5 Āµg/ft2
WINDOWSILLS: < 40 Āµg/ft2
WINDOW TROUGHS(wells): < 100 Āµg/ft2. **
(All of the above readings are in micrograms per square foot) **Wisconsin & HUD already use 100 Āµg/ft2 as the level for troughs
The above paragraph "explaining" the new standard is confusing at best. What does it mean? What are they trying to do? How can we achieve these numbers? That is what we are going to explain at our conferences: LeadCon 2025.
Wisconsin, Northern Illinois, Eastern Iowa all have serious problems with lead poisoning. This conference is intended to help people detect lower levels of lead, clean more efficiently, and keep their families safer in their homes.
Join us on January 10th in Sun Prairie, February 24th in Brookfield, and other dates and locations to be determined. The fee for attending is $75 and it includes a very nice lunch.
THANK YOU -- Rocky